How you can help your favourite authors

We would love your help!

All authors love feedback from readers – and there are many ways you can help our books to be seen and enjoyed. Here are just a few suggestions:

– Ask your library to purchase a copy (once an author has copies in a number of libraries across Australia, they receive a small annual fee, thanks to an initiative called the public lending rights scheme)

– Recommend the book to your friends, hairdressers, workmates and relations

– Choose it for your book group or recommend it to another book club

– Write a kind review on Good Reads/Amazon/Booktopia to help new readers find it (even a line with one reason why you liked the book is super helpful)

– Share a photo of the book on social media (don’t forget to tag the author)

– Repost an Instagram or Facebook post about the book, an event or giveaway on your social media

– Attend a book event (online or in person)

– Encourage your local book shop to stock it

– Sign up for the author’s email list

 If your budget runs to buying books, please don’t be shy in pre-ordering! Contact the author directly if they are in your country (through his/her website) for a signed paperback copy. Sometimes overseas orders can be sent if a reader/buyer is prepared to pay the postage – however, unless you’re wanting a signed copy, it is usually more practical to order it through your usual sales platform.

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